RTO Due Diligence Process

There are a lot of nuances and intricacies that go into buying a Registered Training Organization. Ensuring that you don’t get blindsided or caught off-guard by unforeseen or devious schemes is essential beyond anything else. So, before you decide to buy an RTO, it is crucial to conduct due diligence.

Due diligence is an imperative process that ensures the targeted RTO bears no concealed illegal operations or unethical elements that you may inherit or unfortunately be held liable for. The entire process is a meticulous appraisal of the RTO conducted by a prospective buyer to ensure that it is consistent with all the standards and regulations without fail.

The Need For Due Diligence Undertaking

The educational industry is a land of vast opportunities and is infinitely nuanced with various specialties that warrant scrupulous knowledge and expertise. It further holds true when selling or buying a Registered Training Organization (RTO). At RTO Advisory Services, we have a proficient team of consultants who are assiduous in their analysis and assessment, with specialisations in RTO due diligence and transferring of ownership.

It goes without saying that RTOs have to abide by industry standards and guidelines which places a lot of importance and scrutiny on management of their regular proceedings in the business. Whenever there is a purchase or sale of an RTO, it is mandatory to notify ASQA immediately.

Though it may be true that the ASQA doesn’t play a role in approving the sale but must be kept in touch by the vendor. Without a proper assessment, you might overlook requirements and fall into traps. A purchase might even trigger an audit by ASQA.

Hence, it’s essential to avail aid from specialists and with our astute consultants, you can rest assured about proper notification whether you’re the buyer or seller.

How We Can Help

With years of experience and expertise under our belt regarding compliance and nuances of purchasing and selling RTOs, we inform the buyer about all facets surrounding RTOs.

It is crucial to seek professional insight before you buy an RTO, with a specific focus on the following set of points:

  • Assessing the impact of your RTO acquisition on existing proceedings and operations
  • Whether your RTO will support and uphold your goals
  • A thorough assessment by conducting a systems check and audit of the RTO
  • Taking note of the accounting and legal obligations that come with acquisition or sale of RTO

During your audit by a professional body, we will devise and offer advice:

  • Forming and revisiting policies to make sure they adhere to regulations
  • Providing aid in the enrolment process and information
  • Assessing the levels of risks and identifying opportunities for enhancement
  • Devising prudent assessment and training tactics which comply with ASQA guidelines
  • Files surrounding trainers to ensure they hold up to auditing standards
  • Placement of adequate insurance policies
  • Solidifying your financial processes such as student refunds and measures for fee protection
  • Distributing your marketing material to prospective students
  • Ensuring that your assessment and training tools hold up to ASQA standards
  • Implementing the best of ideas and strategies to ensure unimpeded improvements with further insight on how RTOs will work, as well as an analysis and build on collected data to ensure they adherence to guidelines

With the conclusion of the audit, we will provide you with a comprehensive report on what we have found and contrive prudent methods to preclude any shortcomings in the future.

We further assist with the smooth transfer of ownership forms and complete submission of forms to ASQA. Under our RTO Advisory Services, we are with you at every step of the way to ensure that you’re never ill-equipped to deal with intricacies of buying or selling RTOs.

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